Under the Command of God2/3/2024 Exodus 40:32 ~ "...as the Lord commanded Moses." More than a dozen times, between chapters 39 and 40 of the book of Exodus, is this statement made concerning the obedience of Moses. Often things are repeated in the Scriptures to provide the emphasis needed for the people of God. And if, between two chapters at the end of Exodus we read repeatedly that Moses did all that the Lord commanded, we may discover that obedience to the Lord is the expectation given to the redeemed. As we open this day, we shall consider the simple ramifications of this statement. Let us first realize that these are the thing that the LORD had commanded. No imagination from Moses was implemented in the setup of the Tabernacle or taken into account in the worship of God. Many times, God's people want to serve the Lord according to their own designs, but that is not left to them. The Lord God Almighty is the King, He is the righteous Ruler of the world and He does not give us the latitude to serve Him in any manner we desire. Consider the words of our Lord Jesus in Luke 6:46, "Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you?" Consider the details that God established for the construction of the Tabernacle. The Lord did not give them the liberty to put the place of meeting together according to their own specs. And though the church does not have a physical temple as the nation of Israel did, we still have requirements set for us that God has commanded. How are we to know what they are? Simple... by learning the word of God. Jesus left this world with a simple command to His apostles--make disciples (see Matthew 28:19). But let us hear the final command of that Great Commission: "teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:20). Another truth to extract from this text today--Moses obeyed. As you read through chapter 40 of Exodus, you discover that all those requirements given by God were observed in obedience by Moses. He did not question, quarrel, or rage against the stipulations laid upon him by the Lord. He did not try to remake the commands and institute policies that were more congenial to his desires. He did not attempt to reword the instructions of the Lord so that they were easier to follow. He simply obeyed. When set in the heart of the believer to obey the Lord Jesus, how precious it is to Him when we do obey. It is a sign of love and devotion--of trust and faithfulness. Jesus said that if we loved Him we would keep His commands. John 14:21 says it clearly, "Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him." Imagine a father in the home who has his children around him and they are doing as he has instructed. Does not that father who loves his children see their obedience to him as an expression of love to him? And even if our earthly fathers fail in that regard, truly our Heavenly Father never will. He receives your obedience derived from your love for Him with tremendous joy and celebration. Look at how it is described in Luke 12:37, "Blessed are those servants whom the master finds awake when he comes. Truly, I say to you, he will dress himself for service and have them recline at table, and he will come and serve them." The idea of being "awake" is illustrative of a servant who is alert to to his master's commands. In no way does our dutiful obedience save our souls from sin. But when we are saved by the grace of God, our hearts are warmed with the desire to show forth all our gratitude to the Lord Jesus in loving obedience to Him. From the least to the greatest tasks given, our life must be lived for His glory. So, as Moses repeatedly obeyed the Lord God, let us do the same, looking to God's word and learning how we also can walk in obedience to Christ. In His Grace, Pastor Michael
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