The Value of Sound Doctrine5/4/2024 2 Timothy 4:3 ~ "For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions." Which would you rather hear: solid truth, though it may challenge your view or simple teachings that confirm your own opinions? This is always the dilemma that people face when it comes to solid, biblical doctrine. Most people in the world would rather have their opinions confirmed by the words of another, even if their opinion is wrong. They gather into clusters that is akin to an echo chamber of like-minded voices and then, as they hear their own ideas expressed through others they hold ever tighter to them. But "group-think" does not mean accurate understanding. There has to be a basis for what is understood, a foundation of information that people stand upon. And if that foundation is not the solid rock of truth, it will eventually prove to be fatally flawed. When that happens, my friends, the truth of Christ and His Word will be the truth that survives. Jesus said in Luke 21:33, "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away." But you may wonder, as even I've been asked: do you think the Bible is true because you believe it, or, do you believe the Bible because it is true? In absolute candor, I believe the Bible, God's Word, because it is true. There are many reasons I could give for the accuracy and historic relevancy of the Scriptures. The Bible has stood the test of time and the overwhelming scrutiny of its detractors. Its primary character, the LORD Jesus, is the focus of the Old Testament and the fulfillment in the New Testament. The authors who wrote the letters were eyewitnesses to the veracity of His claims. And, in truth, I am one of many for whom the LORD Jesus prayed, "“I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word" (John 17:20). It was through the Scriptures, and the willing testimony of those who already believed, that I came to know and believe on the LORD Jesus. And I will lay this before you: if you believe on Jesus outside of the Word of God, you are in grave danger. And this brings us to our text for today. There are many--multitudes even--who do not hold to the sound doctrine of the Scriptures, but flock to those teachers that will tickle their ears with what they want to hear. Paul says it this way: "to suit their own passions." And, so, in our world there will be teachers who seize the opportunity tell the crowd whatever they want to hear in order to gather great hordes of people around them. And they will gather--they will flock to the voices that agree with them and forsake the truth. Yet the charge to Timothy is to "preach the word" (see 2 Timothy 4:2). It may not be the popular message of the time, nor will it be agreeable to those who prefer their sins, who desire a soft, pliable message that will conform to the standards of the current trends. But there must be sound doctrine for the believer to have a strong place to stand. Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount, "Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock" (Matthew 7:24). There is great value in sound doctrine. It is the foundation of our stability. It is the focus of our direction. It is the means by which the LORD will correct us and sanctify us (see John 17:17). Concerning the Scriptures, Psalm 19:11 says, "Moreover, by them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward." Let me ask you a hard question. Do you have "itching ears" and look for those who will teach you want you want to hear? There is a wealth of people who will gather around those who will merely tickle their ears. I would urge you, do not be one of them. Seek out those places and those teachers who stand upon the Scriptures as the source of truth and who proclaim Jesus Christ as LORD and Savior. In His Grace, Pastor Michael
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