The Safe Place3/27/2024 Proverbs 18:10 ~ "The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe." In times of distress it is good to have a place to go. Where can a believer run when the world is filled with danger? We can run to the name of the LORD. When I was a child, at our school we would prepare for potential threats such as a fire or earthquake. It was drilled into us that we had a place to go, a location to gather that was safe and where everyone was accounted. Outside of that location, a child would be considered in danger, lost or in distress. The teachers would practice with the students and the administrators would evaluate our responses. At random times during the year the alarm would sound and we would frenetically try to line up and quickly get to the safe space. I'm sure, looking back, the teachers often thought the experience was like trying to herd cats. But the safety of the location was trained into us and eventually we would all, finally, be able to reach the location. Dear ones, we have a safe place in the name of the LORD. And, you might have already asked--how does God's name provide a safe place to run? I'm glad you asked. Our text today describes the name of the LORD as a "strong tower." The imagery is clear as a tower was a structure of protection and defense, where a person could find shelter from an encroaching enemy. In the same way, the name of the LORD is a place of protection--for we stand firmly fixed in the absolute security of the promises of God. How is that? Because God has given us His promises and now the veracity of His Holy Name is at stake. Consider Hebrews 6:18, " that by two unchangeable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us." It is impossible for God to lie, so His promise to those who have fled for refuge will find in Christ the strong tower that they need against the encroaching enemy. The LORD has staked His name on it. And, it is the "righteous" who run to the tower of the name of the LORD. The unrepentant wicked will never run to the LORD for refuge, for they will prefer the encampment of the enemy rather than the tower of God. But those who have repented and come to the LORD Jesus as Savior, they have their eyes opened to the dangers surrounding them. What dangers surround the righteous? From what do we flee to the name of the LORD? There are many dangers in the life of a believer. And though we may suffer, and face temporary trials in this life, the greatest dangers are spiritual and not earthly. For the Christian, the first and greatest danger are lies. Faith and truth go hand in hand, for no one is ever saved by a lie. The devil is the father of lies (see John 8:44). The human race was plunged into sin because of a lie (see Genesis 3:4-5). We flee to the LORD when the enemy presses in with his lies and read texts like Psalm 86:11, "Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name." When you flee to the name of the LORD, you find yourself in the companionship of the Almighty. Gathered with Him, His children are kept safe. He will preserve us in the midst of a culture gone mad with deceptions. The righteous will run to Him. He is, and will be for all eternity, our place of safety. In His Grace, Pastor Michael
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