The Great Romance4/2/2024 ![]() Song of Solomon 6:3 ~ "I am my beloved's and my beloved's is mine." Do not forget the great romance between Christ and His church. The "Beloved" is Christ and His love for the church springs forth so mighty that He gave His life to redeem her. He loves the church with such unwavering desire that there was no expense spared in the reclamation of His bride. Consider what Jesus said in John 15:13, "Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends." And did not our Lord display that "greater love" far more abundantly than we could possibly imagine? Let us look at the relationship posed in our text for today. "I am my beloved's." What a tremendous statement of identity. There is, in that simple phrase, the full connection of those who have been redeemed in the blood of the Lamb. It's not mere ownership that Jesus has over us. It is not mere servitude that we offer to the Lord of glory. In truth, both those would be far more than any sinner deserves at the hands of the King of kings. But what Jesus does is embrace us as a husband would embrace His wife. The union of love and fellowship of joy is profoundly ours--for we, if we have been born-again, are His. And consider that once you are in Christ, you are His. All that you are is His. Dear ones, even your failures, struggles and hardships are HIS! He does not fail, nor is He weak as we are, but He is in such union with you that there is no separation from your travails and His love. And then the second part of that statement is rich with promise: "and my beloved is mine." How is it that this is missed so often in the life of a Christian? Hear what the Apostle Paul said concerning the promises of Christ. "For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory" (2 Corinthians 1:20). Oh, Christian, look up to Christ and know that He is yours! He is your Savior, your Friend, your Brother, and for the church, He is the Husband. All that He has promised is gifted to the church. He opens up the vast storehouse of His love to His bride and will withhold nothing good. Truly, it may seem that for the brief moment of time upon this earth we go through the tempests and storms of life. But He allows that only because He knows it is best for those He loves. But soon He will wipe every tear, calm every sorrow, and fill every heart with an everlasting joy. Oh that Christian husbands and wives would see each other with such wondrous delight and say of each other: "I am my beloved and my beloved is mine." What an image it would bear to the world of the reality of the love from Christ for His bride and from the bride to her Husband. Soon the Son of God will come to claim His betrothed--the church. But even now, my friends, look upon the Lord with the loving eyes of a bride to her husband, and know that the Lord of Glory looks down upon His church as a Husband to His bride. In His Grace, Pastor Michael
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