The Glory of the House of God5/5/2024 Haggai 2:9 ~ "The latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former, says the LORD of hosts. And in this place I will give peace, declares the LORD of hosts." In the early days of Israel, when they had departed Egypt and sojourned through the wilderness, God commanded them to build the Tabernacle, a gathering place for the people of God to draw near to Him. Time progressed, and generations passed, and David became king in Israel. Anointed by the LORD through the prophet, David was a valiant man of faith and through him the LORD brought Israel deliverance from their enemies. David had a palace built for himself, a grand abode fit for the king of Israel. In his heart, he wanted to build a place for God, a temple that would honor the LORD and gather the people to worship. And though David was not the man to construct the Temple, his son, Solomon, was (see 2 Samuel 7:4-17). And Solomon's Temple for the LORD was a grand edifice--a magnificent house to bring glory to God Almighty. And God was pleased with Solomon and the house built for the Name of the LORD. 2 Chronicles 7:16 says, "For now I have chosen and consecrated this house that my name may be there forever. My eyes and my heart will be there for all time." It was not long after that the rebellion of Israel took them away from the LORD and the LORD sent them away from their land. They were captive, enslaved by the nations around them, and the city and the Temple fell into ruins. In time, according to God's word, the people returned and began rebuilding the Temple (see Ezra 3:8-13). But, in response to the rebuilding, some of those who were old enough to remember the former glory of the Temple wept. Why? Because the Temple under new construction was not as glorious as Temple built in the days of Solomon. The LORD, Himself, spoke of this in Haggai 2:3, "Who is left among you who saw this house in its former glory? How do you see it now? Is it not as nothing in your eyes?" And, now, as we come to our text for today, what does it mean: "The latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former?" Oh, beloved believers in Christ, we are looking for a city who's architect and builder is God. Consider what it says of Abraham in Hebrews 11:10, "For he was looking forward to the city that has foundations, whose designer and builder is God." Dear Christian, the latter glory will be so much greater than the former, even as the day is so much brighter than the night. There may be dim illumination from stars, even a full moon might cast its illumination upon the earth, but the daylight is gloriously bright. And so it will be for all who are in the home where Christ dwells. Here on this earth we only see a dim view of what will be. The current glory is shaded and we can only see as through darkened glass (see 1 Corinthians 13:12). Here on earth, we enjoy the fellowship of the saints. Yet for all the joys and delights of such fellowship, it is only a dim reflection of what will be in heaven. Here we experience but moments of worship, filtered through our own sin-wrecked hearts. And though we desire to worship in a way that is more honoring to Christ, we struggle here on earth. But our worship of Christ there will be unencumbered by any limitations of our life here. My friends, the eternal house of the LORD, the heavenly dwelling of all who believe, will be far more glorious than anything we could experience here. Revelation 21:23 speaks to the glory of the house of God, "And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb." Unlike in the days of Haggai, where enemies harassed and threatened the people of God as they rebuilt the Temple, unlike the days wherein we live as the world strives against the faithful redeemed of the LORD, the place of the presence of God Almighty, where His glory fills all things, is also a place of peace. Wickedness will not strive within the Christian, nor will there be enemies who terrorize the church. Even as it says in the final part of our text today, "And in this place I will give peace, declares the LORD of hosts." Let this, beloved, be your daily hope until it becomes your eternal home. In His Grace, Pastor Michael
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