Live by the Spirit5/3/2024 Galatians 5:25 ~ "If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit." Do you live by the Spirit? Does the Holy Spirit govern your life? Many people have a notion of what that is supposed to look like, bringing out the ideas that there are meant to be the continual supernatural expressions of Divine power manifesting through those who truly live by the Spirit. A constant desire for signs and wonders displayed, however, is not a mark of the desire to live by the Spirit. There is a danger, however, to the constant drive to see signs and wonders. First, it is condemned in the Scriptures. Jesus said in Matthew 12:39, "An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah." It is an evil and adulterous generation seeking such things. Yet, the demand for signs from God continue with the saints still today. Look to the resurrection of Jesus, my friends. That is the ultimate sign. Why demand lesser ones? Second, there is a warning attached for those who seek after signs. Mark 13:22 states, "For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform signs and wonders, to lead astray, if possible, the elect." Do not be easily persuaded by signs and wonders for they can come as evidence not of the Spirit but of the enemy. So, with false signs being performed, how then can a Christian learn to live by the Holy Spirit? Well... not by signs and wonders. And this brings us to our text for today. To live by the Spirit, beloved, is keep in step with the Spirit. In other words, it is to walk in a way that shows a willing obedience to Christ. You do not need to see a sign in order to know what the Holy Spirit would have you do. What you need is the Word of God and a desire to glorify Christ. Put those two in your heart and step out by faith. In context of our discussion today, we need to look to Galatians 5:16-26. If you read the context, it will be like the sun coming forth from a cloud--very illuminating. We see in verse 16 that to walk in the Spirit is to not gratify the desires of the flesh. The passion-driven flesh desires that which is contrary to Christ. And the Holy Spirit enters our lives for the express purpose of bringing glory to Christ (see John 16:14). Then, my friends, to live by the Spirit is to bring forth the fruit of the Spirit (see Galatians 5:22-23). Many seek after the gifts of the Spirit, and, truly, God Almighty does bring forth His gifts through the church by the working of the Holy Spirit within each believer. But what we must seek is to bear much fruit (see John 15:8). The fruit of the Spirit is in contrast to the workings of the flesh. In Galatians 5:19-21, the evidences of "fleshly" living, that is, living only for self, are made clear. And yet, those who are born-again, who have the Spirit of Christ within them, will bear forth fruit that is contrary to worldliness. I would urge you, don't go seeking after some manifestation of power to prove the working of the Holy Spirit. God does work, He is absolute in His power. He still works miracles according to His own will and purpose. But those are not the things to strive after in order to prove the working of the Spirit in your life. Look to see if Christ Jesus is glorified. Look to see if the flesh is crucified and the desire for righteous living is present. If there is a hunger and thirst for righteousness, if there are evident spiritual fruit that is born of your faithfulness, if there is true humility and a love for Christ, then, dear ones, you are living by the Spirit. In His Grace, Pastor Michael
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