Genuine Interest in Christ5/13/2024 Philippians 2:21 ~ "For they all seek their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ." There is a condition that affects all mankind, a disposition that is endemic to the nature of every person on the planet, and that is a condition of willful self-interest. It finds itself in colloquial statements like: "look after number one" or "if you don't take care of yourself, nobody else will." Even Christians face this constant companion of self-interest. The Apostle Paul expressed it in Romans 7:15, "For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate." Those things that are hated by believers will be anything that departs from our love for the LORD Jesus. And yet, does it seem to you that it is impossible to depart from that willful self-interest that plagues mankind? In our text for today, Paul was referring to the young man, Timothy, as an example of someone who departed such interest and sought to serve the LORD. In Philippians 2:19-20 he states, "I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon, so that I too may be cheered by news of you. For I have no one like him, who will be genuinely concerned for your welfare." Timothy was concerned about the things that concerned the LORD, and that example of such determined faithfulness is the target of our consideration today. There are two questions to ask from our text: what are "our own interests" and what are "the interests of Christ?" The first question is relatively simple to answer. Our own interests are whatever we desire outside of our fellowship with Christ. An example of this will be the situation after the resurrection where Peter and the other disciples determined to go fishing rather than wait for the LORD in the place He commanded (see John 21:1-14). There is nothing sinful about fishing. But to go fishing when the LORD told them to meet Him at a different location begs the question why? Simple: because they wanted to. It could be that Peter was impatient with having to wait, it could be that it seemed that returning to his former occupation was all that remained for him. No direct reasons were given, but it was a departure unto willful self-interest. Are there things that we do which are built upon such self-interest? Of course there are, and it is the fight within our hearts to battle those desires. They may not be sinful longings, and they may be well within the parameters of a normal life in this world. But are they of the LORD? Surely the sinful things are obvious to every believer. Paul references these things in Galatians, chapter five. And we do well to avoid the works of the sinful nature. Let us also, then, evaluate the rest of what we do against the revealed will of the LORD in His word. Which brings us to the second question: what is the interest of Christ? That can be varied depending on the situation, but it all comes down to your desire to love the LORD and love your neighbor (see Luke 10:27). For Timothy, we discover that he had a genuine interest in Christ because of his genuine concern for the welfare of the Philippian church. Jesus said, "And the King will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me'" (Matthew 25:40). Again, in the Gospel of John, chapter 21, Jesus asked three questions--all with the same focus: do you love me (see John 21:15-17). And that is the question Jesus asks us in every situation that we encounter: do we love Him? Because it is love for Christ that delivers us from the self-interest that dominates our thinking. What things do you do that are built upon your love for Christ? Often we go to some of the basic things: gathering with the church, serving the underprivileged, reading the Scriptures, praying. All these are absolutely of great interest to the LORD and you will do well to practice them. Then there are those moments when it seems unclear what is of interest to the LORD. At that point, come back to the Scriptures and seek His wisdom. Through His word, the LORD has given us what we need to walk in this world in faithfulness to His will. Two questions might benefit you in those times of uncertainty: how does this love the LORD and how does this love my neighbor? Today, let me encourage you to reflect upon those things that captivate your interest, evaluating them to see whether they are of self or of Christ. In His Grace, Pastor Michael
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