Believe... or Believe In?4/5/2024 Romans 4:3 ~ "For what does the Scripture say? 'Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness.'" There are two types of belief that occur in the arena of those who call themselves by the name of Christ. There are those who believe, and those who say they "believe in" God. Is there a difference? There is, and it is of such critical importance that a person's salvation rests upon it. Let's begin by asking the question--do you believe in God? It is a good starting point, and must be understood that way. There is a definitive need to believe in the Lord, for in such belief there is the possibility that the individual will move beyond it and put their trust in Christ. What is belief "in" God? It is the mental awareness of the existence of and substantive truth in the LORD. Hebrews 11:6 tells us, "And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him." There is no "drawing near" to any individual if you don't even believe in their existence. This must be where it begins for all who come to Christ must believe that He is. Those who say they are Christian and only hold some philosophical view of the faith have never come to Christ at all--and may not even believe He exists. The problem is this: many stop right at this point and think they are saved. I've heard many a testimony of those who do not show the slightest interest in following the LORD while continuing their testimony of having "believed in" Jesus. But, dear ones, even the devils believe that God exists. James 2:19 states, "You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder!" Imagine a demon, an enemy of Christ, fears God more than some of those who profess to belong to Him. Titus 1:16 says, "They profess to know God, but they deny him by their works. They are detestable, disobedient, unfit for any good work." But as our text today clearly states, it is not "believing in" God that is counted as righteousness, but "believing" God. To believe God is to take the Almighty at His word and then go forward in life under the direct influence of His truth. Do you believe that Jesus was speaking the truth when He said that all who come to Him, He will never cast aside (see John 6:37)? And have you come to Him? Can you take God at His word and live in obedience to what He has commanded, knowing that He will fulfill all His promises? That is what Abraham did. The LORD promised Abraham offspring so numerous so vast that it would outdo the stars of the heavens (see Genesis 15:5-6). Abraham believed God's promise, and it was credited to him as righteousness. Let me explain by way of illustration. A young boy is lost at the market. His father told him that if he ever became lost to remain where he was and the father would always find him. So, despite all the encouragements from others to leave that spot, the boy believed his father and remained steadfast in the place where he was. Eventually the boy's faith was proved and his father did come and find him. Do you have that kind of faith? Many say they believe in Jesus. But we are not commanded to simply "believe in" Him, we are commanded to "believe" the Lord Jesus. Take God at His word and remain steadfast upon it. Believing "in" something is only the starting point of true faith. It is looking at the objective reality of something and then going no further. My friends, go further! Take God at His word and put it to practice. Believe Him. And know that He will count your faith in the Lord Jesus as righteousness upon you. In His Grace, Pastor Michael
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