Overcoming the Enemy9/7/2024 James 4:7 ~ “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” We long to be free from the constant attacks that come from the enemy of God. We fight, struggle and try to stand firm against the temptations that arise in our life. All the while we find that our power to overcome is limited and we slip and fall again, and again. I’ve heard those who try to “rebuke” the devil, as if they had some grand authority and they foolishly believe they can command the evil one to depart. If that were the case, he would have been vanquished long ago from every believer’s life. Then we come to our text for today and hear those words that call us to resist. With that charge nestled in our hearts, we gather up our willpower and believe that we must somehow draw up the strength for our firm resistance, only to find ourselves falling again. Before we venture into our text today, let’s take a look at some other Scriptures. First, we read in Jude 1:9, “But when the archangel Michael, contending with the devil, was disputing about the body of Moses, he did not presume to pronounce a blasphemous judgment, but said, ‘The Lord rebuke you.’” Though we have no clear view to this grand conflict that occurred, it is of great importance to note that the archangel, Michael, did not stand in his own strength or power, but called upon the LORD to rebuke the enemy of God. Lest we forget, it was by the allowance of God that the enemy had access to the patriarch, Job (see Job, chapter one). And there were two disciples of the LORD who came under the enemy’s influence for a time: Peter (see Matthew 16:21-23) and Judas (see John 13:27). So, how do we accomplish it? How do we overcome the enemy of God? He is far too great an enemy for us to casually consider, but let us not fear that we should cower away from the will of God. The devil’s cunning and trickery is to try and prevent your salvation (see Matthew 13:19). Not succeeding there, he would destroy your walk with Christ through all manner of deceptive attacks. Jesus warned Peter in Luke 22:31-32, “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.” The first command we find in our text today concerning overcoming the evil one, is not the one that many people rush toward. Most, from my observations, will gladly follow the second of the two commands, to resist the devil, but if the first is not first, then the second will be impossible. We are commanded to: “Submit yourselves, therefore, to God.” This is where it has to begin, for without first submitting to the LORD you will be unable to stand firm against the enemy. Our LORD, Himself, overcame the enemy through God’s word. But do not think that He merely threw Scripture at the devil as if were darts at a dartboard. Jesus submitted Himself to His Father in obedience to the Word. In the face of His great temptations by Satan, Jesus stood in faithful obedience to the Scriptures He quoted. That, my friends, is how you submit to God. Our text today is nestled in between two texts that entreat us to humility. Why? Because submitting yourself to God requires you to leave your pride behind. And, only after submission to the LORD will you or I have the means by which we can resist the devil. This second command, “Resist the devil and he will flee from you” cannot be done by your power alone. You must be submitted to Christ. Imagine going to battle against another adversary and your commander has all the necessary information, tactics, and strategies to win the conflict. Will you enter the fray with your own limited wisdom and strength? Or, will you be wise and obediently trust the commands given you from the one who knows the entirety of the battle? How many Christians today have proclaimed this statement: “I’m trying so hard to beat this temptation?” This, or one like it, is a statement from those who believe that they have the strength and wisdom to overcome. Beloved, we are weak and frail and do not have the power in ourselves to stand one moment. It is true, you are commanded to resist the devil. But obedience to that command is found only when you first submit to God. And the result will be as promised: he will flee from you. But, just as our LORD experienced, the enemy doesn’t stay away. Luke 4:13 tells us, “And when the devil had ended every temptation, he departed from him until an opportune time.” And when the enemy returns again, we resist him again through faithfully submitting to the LORD Jesus Christ. In this way, we will find victory. In His Grace, Pastor Michael
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