Do What You Can5/27/2024 Mark 14:8 ~ "She has done what she could; she has anointed my body beforehand for burial." Not everybody can do what they want to do, but everyone in Christ is required to do what they can. This becomes a struggle for many, for they long to be able to do more with their lives than they are capable. They dream big, have grandiose ideas and desires for great accomplishments. In truth, however, if we fail to do what we can, we will never do anything. On the other side of this dilemma, there are some who will not imagine themselves to be so low on the rung of spiritual importance that they should be called upon to do anything that might be considered menial. To function merely as an unrecognized servant is a reach that their own mentality cannot stoop to achieve. They will refuse to do anything because they cannot imagine themselves to do something so beneath them. In our text today, we encounter a woman who came to Jesus and anointed the Savior with a jar of expensive perfume. We learn from the gospel of John that this is Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus (see John 12:3). This flask was worth a year's wages and it is quite possible that she had saved up in order to own such a treasure for herself. Now, however, the LORD was present and her heart to worship the King of kings was overwhelmed with the desire to bless Him. So, she did what she could. She broke the jar open and emptied the entirety of the contents upon the LORD. Let us first consider the idea that she "did" what she could. There is a dreadful condition of selfishness in the heart when we are unwilling to serve the LORD in the moment that is presented. We won't "do" what we can because it brings no recognition. Consider the words of James 4:17, "So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin." Is there a "right thing" to do standing before you but you refuse to do it? Is there a moment of service offered to you that will honor and bless the LORD, but you dismiss it because you don't want to lower yourself to accomplish it? Have you looked at the task and determined not to give it a go because no one else will? There are many excuses people will give to avoid doing a task, and that avoidance might be a sin. Then, another consideration, is that she did what she "could." I want to encourage you, today, to realize that you cannot do it all. God does not hold your feet to the fire of some expectation that is not given you to accomplish. A man on his sickbed cannot get up to minister to the world, but he can offer prayers and petitions on behalf of those who are upon his heart. He can do something--not everything. And that is what we are commanded to do. Do not think it is a tragedy of faithlessness when you cannot do even what your own heart desires. We are to walk in the good works that stand before us, for it is those which God has prepared (see Ephesians 2:10). But we are not at liberty to determine what those good works will be. Jesus reminds us that when we serve one another in love, it is as if we are serving Him. He illustrates this in Matthew 25:31-46. When we have opportunity to do good to our brothers and sisters in Christ, we are taking that moment and serving the LORD as well. Jesus said in Matthew 25:40, "And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’" Paul instructs the church with this same idea. In Galatians 6:10 we read, "So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith." Take to heart the understanding that it is "as we have opportunity." The occasion may not always come, though our desires are there. But when the opportunity arrives, let us take hold of it as if we are pouring the anointing oil upon the LORD Himself. Jesus received this beautiful blessing, and responded with a promise in return--that her sacrificial service and love toward Him would never be forgotten. In fact, it would go forward as a testimony for all time. Even now, eons later, we are still reading of her love and service to Jesus. And so it will be with you as you serve the LORD. Our Savior remembers and it will be the testimony of your everlasting life that you did what you could to love the LORD as you served Him. In His Grace, Pastor Michael
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